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Clear Aligners

Achieve a straighter smile

Invisible, removable, and comfortable treatment for discreet teeth straightening

Clear Aligners

Using a sequence of clear, customised plastic trays, clear aligners gradually align and straighten teeth. This type of orthodontic, or tooth movement, treatment offers a discreet and comfortable alternative to traditional braces for achieving a straighter smile.

Clear aligners are made of a transparent and BPA-free thermoplastic polymer material, which is designed for medical use. The aligners are designed to be discreet and are barely noticeable while in use, meaning you can confidently carry out your daily activities without feeling self-conscious.

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Am I suitable for clear aligners?

At Dental Crafted, we’ll evaluate several factors to determine if clear aligners are suitable for you. One of the main factors to consider is the general health of your natural teeth.

Clear aligners are typically recommended for people who have healthy teeth and gums. Prior to beginning tooth movement treatment, it is crucial to resolve any pre-existing dental problems, such as cavities or gum disease. We’ll perform a comprehensive examination of your dental health to ensure that your teeth are in a suitable condition for clear aligner treatment.

Clear aligners are an effective solution for treating mild to moderate orthodontic issues. This encompasses dental concerns such as crooked or misaligned teeth, gaps between teeth, and specific bite irregularities. Clear aligners can also effectively correct poorly positioned or overlapping teeth by bringing them into proper alignment.

How do clear aligners move your teeth?

Firstly, we capture a record of your teeth using digital scans or moulds. Your teeth are then digitised to allow for computer-aided design of your new smile and bite. Using this CAD design, thin and clear aligners are 3D printed sequentially to match the movements planned.

Clear aligners are specifically designed to exert gentle and controlled pressure on particular teeth, gradually shifting them to their desired positions over a period of time. We will carefully calculate the treatment plan and determine the sequence of aligners based on your unique dental needs to achieve optimal results.

What are the benefits of clear aligners?

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  • Discreet treatment: When worn on your teeth, clear aligners are virtually invisible. This implies that you can straighten your teeth without drawing attention to your orthodontic treatment. You can improve your confidence during your journey towards a straighter smile, whether you’re in professional or social situations.
  • Enhanced comfort: Clear aligners are made from smooth, BPA-free polymers, which is different from traditional braces that use wires and brackets. They have a lower probability of causing any discomfort or irritation inside your mouth. The aligners are specifically designed to fit perfectly over your teeth, ensuring a comfortable treatment experience.
  • Removability: Clear aligners are designed for easy removal. You can remove them while eating, drinking, brushing your teeth, or during special events. You can enjoy your favourite foods without any restrictions or concerns about damaging braces, giving you the freedom to indulge. Moreover, removable aligners can simplify your oral hygiene routine, making it easier to maintain proper dental care throughout the treatment process.
  • No food restrictions: Clear aligners allow you to eat without any restrictions. Aligners offer a convenient alternative to braces as they can be easily removed during meal times, eliminating the need for dietary adjustments and preventing food particles from getting trapped. You can still indulge in a diverse range of foods without compromising your orthodontic treatment, whether it’s a crisp apple, a gooey caramel, or a satisfying steak.
  • Predictable results: Clear aligners produce predictable results by using advanced technology such as CAD (computer-aided design) software and 3D imaging to create a detailed treatment plan. Through this approach, precise planning is facilitated, and tooth movement is made predictable and accurate. We have the ability to visualise the desired outcome prior to beginning treatment, which provides you with a clear understanding of what results to expect.

What to expect during your clear aligner treatment?

The journey towards a straighter smile starts with a consultation with our functional and aesthetic dentist, Dr. Cipriani. Once your teeth and bite have been thoroughly evaluated, a personalised treatment plan will be developed specific to your needs.

Our advanced intraoral 3D scanner will be used to design and craft a series of clear aligners that will gradually shift your teeth into their desired position. The aligners need to be worn for a specific period, which is typically around two weeks, before moving on to the next set.

Teeth straightening

Integration with comprehensive treatment

Clear aligners as a standalone solution

Clear aligners are capable of effectively treating mild to moderate orthodontic issues without requiring additional treatment. You can enjoy the advantages of having straighter teeth and a more confident smile without requiring any extra orthodontic procedures.

Preparing for veneers, smile makeovers, or facelift dentistry

Clear aligners can be used as a preparatory treatment for various aesthetic procedures, including veneers, smile makeovers, and facelift dentistry. Aligning your teeth prior to these procedures can enhance the results significantly and make them last longer.

Collaborative treatment planning with Dr. Cipriani

Dr. Cipriani adopts a collaborative approach when it comes to planning treatment. He will closely collaborate with you to fully understand your goals and expectations, ensuring that your clear aligner treatment smoothly integrates with any other dental treatments that you may need.

How do you maintain clear aligners?

  • Clean your aligners daily: Remove your clear aligners and clean them gently on a daily basis. It is best to use a soft-bristled toothbrush along with clear, antibacterial soap or a non-abrasive denture cleaner. Make sure to brush both the inside and outside of the aligners. Avoid using toothpaste or coloured soaps because they can potentially stain or damage the aligners.
  • Practise good oral hygiene: It is important to thoroughly brush and floss your teeth before reinserting your aligners. Practising good oral hygiene habits can help prevent the accumulation of plaque and promote healthy teeth and gums during the treatment process. Remember to clean your teeth after meals and before putting the aligners back in your mouth.
  • Avoid drinking or eating with aligners: You should remove your aligners whenever you consume any food or drink, except for plain water. Eating or drinking while wearing aligners can cause staining, discolouration, or even damage to the aligners. To prevent losing or accidentally damaging your aligners, it is crucial to always store them in their designated case when they are not being used.
  • Rinse your aligners before wearing them: To ensure proper hygiene, thoroughly rinse your aligners with lukewarm water before reinserting them after cleaning or removal. Ensuring that no cleaning products or residue are left on the aligners helps to maintain their clarity and hygiene.
  • Keep your aligners away from heat and direct sunlight: Exposure to high temperatures or prolonged sunlight can cause clear aligners to become warped or damaged. Avoid leaving them in hot cars, on windowsills, or any other place where they could be exposed to high temperatures.
  • Follow your dentist’s instructions: Your dentist will give you detailed instructions on how to wear and take care of your aligners. It is essential to carefully follow the instructions provided, which include sticking to the recommended wear time for each set of aligners and following the schedule for switching to the next set.
  • Attend regular check-ups: Regular check-ups with your dentist during your clear aligner treatment are crucial. These follow up check-ups help monitor your progress, make any necessary adjustments, and ensure that your treatment is going as planned.

Do I have to wear a retainer after clear aligner treatment?

Once you have finished your clear aligner treatment, Dr Ciprianimay recommend that you wear a retainer. Wearing a retainer can help prevent your teeth from shifting back to their original position in much the same way a cast is used for a broken bone.

Would you like to straighten your teeth without using metal braces?

Clear aligners provide an ideal solution that is discreet, comfortable, and metal-free. Offering you the freedom to smile confidently and eat without limitations, while achieving optimal results.

Are you ready to take the initial step towards achieving a straighter and more confident smile? Book a consultation with us now to determine if clear aligners are a suitable option for you. Take the easy road towards a stunning smile by booking your consultation with Dental Crafted.

Clear aligner
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