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The truth about dental facelifts

Can a trip to the dentist really make you look younger?

You know that reconstructive dentistry can improve your confidence by giving you a healthy and beautiful smile. But did you know it can also make you look younger by fighting the signs of ageing and giving your face a fresher appearance?

Rejuvenation, or face lift, dentistry uses teeth restoration and bite correction to change or restore the shape of your face. It’s a non-surgical way to turn back the clock so it’s no wonder it continues to gain popularity across the globe.

How it works

If you read my last blog, you’ll know that your bite acts as the foundation for your skin and smile. The consequences of a misaligned bite can cause deep crevices or wrinkles around the lips and a collapsed look to the bottom part of your face.

Rejuvenation dentistry creates a more stable foundation for your skin and smile. Your treatment plan is more than simply applying veneers to your front teeth and whitening them, it considers specialty restoration techniques and jaw deprogramming to restore the vertical support of your lower face. It also allows us to improve the position of your jaw joint and fix a bad bite, while retaining your remaining tooth structure and implementing your ideal smile design.

There is no traditional surgery required in rejuvenation dentistry. After planning, your treatment could be completed in less than a handful of appointments. Rejuvenation dentistry really describes a holistic process to restore your appearance to what it once was or to give you the appearance you’ve never had but always wanted.

before and after smile design

Anti-ageing in action

On my website, you may have come across the story of Faye* (photos above). When Faye first came to me she was in her early 60s and felt that her teeth didn’t match her youthful personality. Her front teeth were stained and her fillings were bothering her.

Using a combination of techniques and materials, we realigned Faye’s bite, providing stability and comfort, all while improving the structural integrity of her teeth and their appearance. Faye ended up looking and feeling a lot younger and her confidence skyrocketed. Faye is just one of the many people I’ve helped achieve a more fresh and youthful look using rejuvenation dentistry.

Rejuvenation dentistry can help you get back to the smile you used to have or it can create whole new look if that’s what you’re after. Not only will you love what you see in the mirror, you’ll have a mouth that is stable, healthy and comfortable.

If you’re keen to wind back the clock, let’s chat about how we can achieve your goals without traditional face-lift surgery. You’ll be surprised at what’s possible with a comprehensive smile design by a dental artisan who genuinely cares. Book a consultation and let’s discover if a dental facelift is right for you.