Porcelain Veneers
Unveil your perfect smile
We used porcelain veneers to enhance teeth appearance, replace worn fillings and strengthen natural teeth.
As someone with professionally high standards and an exacting nature, Mel* felt that the appearance of her teeth were at odds with her lifestyle and personality. She had been aware of her growing dental needs for many years but her fear of the dentist had prevented her from seeking help. As a result, her dental health had deteriorated.
Mel’s treatment focussed on stabilising her whole mouth while achieving the look she was after. Porcelain veneers were used to replace the failing fillings, improve tooth colour and shape, and strengthen the remaining tooth structure. Throughout the process, I rationalised Mel’s fear of the dentist by establishing a trusting relationship. I gave her something she desperately needed, time.
Mel was extremely happy to achieve the healthy, bright smile she had been longing for. She felt her appearance finally matched her high standards. By ensuring Mel had a positive and beneficial experience, we were able to lay the foundation for ongoing care that will gradually improve her dental health over time.
